Do I Need a Ductwork Cleaning in Nags Head, NC?

The ductwork in your Nags Head, NC, home is responsible for carrying air throughout your residence. However, if your ductwork gets dirty, you’ll notice several inconveniences around your home. If you notice any of these four signs, consider scheduling professional ductwork cleaning:

Your Home Is Dustier Than Normal

While some amount of dust is unavoidable, a constant layer of it on every surface in your home is a sign of dirty ductwork. If your ductwork has a lot of dust in it, your HVAC system forces it throughout your home along with the air.

Soaring Energy Costs

If you notice a significant increase in your utility bills but have not increased your energy consumption, dirty ductwork may be the culprit. Debris buildup in your ducts can make your HVAC system work much harder to reach your desired temperature, resulting in higher energy bills and excessive wear on your heater or air conditioner.

You Recently Renovated Your Home

While new home renovation projects are exciting, they can have a negative impact on air quality because dust and debris fly everywhere. Dust and debris from the new construction can make its way into your air ducts, and it’ll continue to circulate until you schedule a ductwork cleaning.

Increased Respiratory Issues

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, poor air quality can have a negative impact on those who contend with allergies and asthma. If you or anyone else in your home notices worsening symptoms, it could be the result of dusty air circulating throughout your home.

To make certain that your HVAC system continues to function optimally, experts recommend that you schedule professional ductwork cleaning every three to five years. To schedule ductwork cleaning for your Nags Head, NC, home, contact North Beach Services Heating and Cooling for our air quality solutions.

Image provided by iStock

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