4 Reasons to Invest in Your Indoor Air Quality

Your home in Southern Shores, NC, needs good indoor air quality (IAQ) to help maintain your health and quality of life. It’s easy to forget just how much of an effect the air you breathe has on you. Here are a few good reasons to improve your IAQ and invest in indoor air quality solutions for your home.

Breathe Cleaner Air

Clean air makes breathing easier for everyone, especially those with asthma or allergies. Dust, pollen and pet hair can cause breathing problems when they get into your air and circulate.

Maintaining a clean filter is one of the best ways to keep the air in your home clean. You should regularly change yours every 30-90 days. If your system isn’t ductless, maintaining clean ducts also helps remove any dirt or debris that may accumulate within it.

Get Sick Less Often

All types of germs and bacteria can linger in dirty air. Poor air quality can cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Prolonged exposure to polluted indoor air can even lead to more serious issues like respiratory infections.

Sleep Better

Dirty air makes sleep difficult because dust and other airborne particles can irritate your respiratory system. This can cause you to cough or struggle to breathe, causing you to wake up feeling tired.

Make Your HVAC System Last Longer

Dust, dirt and other particles in the air can build up in your HVAC system. This can cause your system to work harder and potentially wear out faster. If you keep your IAQ at a higher level, your HVAC system has an easier time performing its job.

When your IAQ remains good, it’s better for your health and comfort. Items such as air purifiers and humidifiers can help you achieve improved air. Contact North Beach Services Heating and Cooling today to learn how we can help improve your indoor air quality in Southern Shores, NC.

Image provided by iStock

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