4 Ways to Add Years of Service Life to Your Heat Pump

No one likes to think about their HVAC system wearing out, but even the best ones eventually need a replacement. The good news is you can do a few things to add years of life to your heat pump. Here are some of the best ways to achieve this goal in Duck, NC:

Clean Your Heat Pump

One of the best ways to ensure your system lasts for many years is to clean it regularly. This will help remove any dirt or debris that could clog the system and cause it to fail. To keep your system operating smoothly, change the filter and clear around the outdoor unit every month.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Another great way to add years of service life to your heat pump is to schedule professional maintenance. This includes calibrating the thermostat and ensuring all of the electrical connections are tight. By taking care of your HVAC system regularly, you can help to prevent major problems down the road.

Invest in a Thermostat Upgrade

Are you still using a manual thermostat to adjust your heat pump’s settings? If so, it’s time to upgrade to a programmable or smart thermostat. By doing so, you’ll improve your heat pump’s efficiency. As a result, you’ll minimize energy costs and prevent breakdowns that cost a lot to fix.

Work With a Qualified HVAC Professional

Finally, one of the best ways to add years of service life to your heat pump is to work with a professional. A professional can help you properly maintain and repair your system, which will extend its lifespan.

Contact us at North Beach Services Heating and Cooling for quality HVAC services such as heat pump repair, installation or replacement. We’ll help ensure your home feels as comfortable as possible for much less.

Image provided by iStock

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